How to Make $1 Every Hour

Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash

Making one dollar an hour may not seem like a lot of money. That’s only twenty-four dollars per day, after all. But consider this. There are 365 and one quarter days in every year. In hours, that’s eight thousand, seven hundred and sixty of them packed in the year. Sixty-six, if you include the extra quarter of a day, which you should. That translates to eight thousand, seven hundred and sixty six dollars on top of whatever you make every year. For some people, this would be the difference between making five figures versus six figures each year. For others, this might be the difference between making nine hundred and ninety five thousand dollars and making a million dollars (and some change) each year. The point is, making an extra dollar per hour, all day, every day, makes for almost ten thousand dollars more being put into your bank account each year. So, before you click off the video and assume that making an extra dollar every hour, is a waste of time, consider the value that you’d be able to add to your life, your investment portfolio, your bank account, or whatever else you might want to add value to, with an extra ten thousand dollars annually. And, best yet, there are a vast number of ways to accomplish this, both passively and actively.  

If we’re all honest with ourselves, a dollar sounds like an objectively miniscule amount of money, which is largely because it is. There’s almost nothing that can be bought for just a single dollar, especially once taxes get involved in the equation. And, if something only costs a dollar or two, it typically is seen as a minor purchase, not a major expenditure. That philosophy about the individual dollar is exactly why most people won’t bother to watch this video, or they won’t get this far in. If you did, congratulations to you! But on a more serious note, it’s pretty clear that a dollar doesn’t get you very far in the world on its own. But a dollar every hour, every day? That seems pretty doable, and the near ten-thousand dollar result shows how rapidly those individual dollars can build. 

Money can be made at a much more rapid pace than people anticipate if the right foundation has been put in place. A good way to picture this is the stock market. Several brilliant minds came together to create a marketplace where publicly-owned companies could reliably have their stocks bought, sold, and traded almost instantaneously, resulting in a foundation upon which thousands of people have made millions of dollars, if not more. The key to creating a consistent source of dollar-per-hour income, then, is building a reliable foundation upon which you can generate a source of income. For some, this might be content creation, such as YouTube or podcasting. Videos and podcasts with consistent viewership and subscriptions tend to receive a significant amount of advertising revenue, and establishing a platform like this, no matter how big or small–to an extent–can easily generate one dollar every hour for relatively minimal work. For more information on how content creation advertising works, go see our video on “How YouTubers Make Money” linked below! Others may choose to do active work in order to make additional money. This too, is easily done with a bit of patience and a few good ideas.

Passive Income
There are a number of other highly-profitable methods that can consistently generate an average of a dollar per hour. From a passive income perspective, the theme of creating a product or service once and letting it generate income over time is an easy structure to replicate, whether it be a YouTube channel, like we mentioned before, a book, a blog, media influencing, or any number of other alternatives that will accumulate money for you even after you’ve done the main amount of work. This is an effective foundation to work from if you’re willing to work for no money up front, grow on an exponential basis, and see very few results in the beginning. Like most sources of income that work like this, the money earned is relative to the performance of the product. If a YouTube video receives millions of views, it will make much more money than a video that receives less than one hundred. The same is true of books, podcasts, blogs, pay-to-license photographs, and almost everything else in this passive income niche.

        So how do you build a foundation for passive income? While we have a video that goes into more detail on the subject, developing the building blocks for a source of passive income is pretty doable. Most one-and-done products, like blog posts or YouTube videos, can be created to a reasonable standard in the span of an hour or two, and as long as you’re able to produce one thing, whatever that may be, on a regular basis, it will start to grow. On the content side of things, publishing a piece of work on a weekly or biweekly schedule makes most viewership algorithms “happy” and gives you the ability to create something that will accumulate income over time in the span of a few short hours. This video, for example, took about three hours to voice over, edit, and publish, although the script took a few additional hours to write and edit. In exchange, it will likely stay up on YouTube for a few years making money, whereas I won’t have to do anything else to it. So, when it comes to developing a foundation for this type of income, it all boils down to managing your time to create, then sitting down and actually doing the work.

Active Income
Though active income does not have the flexibility of passive income when it comes to the amount of hours you might be required to work, it does offer a valuable characteristic that less hands-on jobs may not: consistency. By working on the basis of time, it may require more hours out of your week, but those hours will be regular and schedulable. On top of that, the pay is essentially guaranteed. Working for a couple hours per day promises two hours of pay every day, and while that may be difficult to add on to a standard 9-5 job, it can pay massive dividends to work short shifts on some evenings of the week. That may be asking a huge price to pay, especially if you value your free time, but adding a second job to your routine can fund your retirement, if you so choose, or bring some financial stability to your life that may not have been there before. It isn’t easy, nor do we particularly recommend it as a viable “Plan A”, but it is a good backup to your backup plan. 

        That type of commitment to an additional income stream isn’t for most, though, nor should it be. There are far better ways to supplement your income in an active way that isn’t quite so demanding of all available hours of the day. One of our personal favorites is sales. Whether you develop your own product and sell it, or simply find a product to sell on your own or through someone else, selling often pays by way of commission. If you sell a lot, you make a lot. For the purposes of making a dollar every hour, you’re more likely to succeed by selling your own product or reselling someone else’s product for a profit, rather than working for a company and selling their products. This is because most companies have minimums, or quotas, that would require you to sell more than your available hours might allow for. On the other hand, if you don’t have a job, and you’re looking for one, sales can be wildly lucrative given the proper circumstances. Selling for yourself, though, has the potential to pay out that average dollar per hour, if not much more, without committing more than a few hours per day or per week to it. 

        You may have heard the term “dropshipping” circulating around the internet over the past few years. As you may or may not know, dropshipping is essentially reselling products at a higher price through a virtual store. Most people in this market use Shopify, which costs $30.00 per month to use, but gives you unlimited freedom to sell any product. This avenue, if done correctly, can make for an easy average of a dollar per hour, without all that much work being put in. Websites like AliExpress enable you to buy a product directly from the factory at wholesale prices and ship it to your customer for the price they paid you for it. This type of selling blends the flexibility of passive income with the relative control of active income, making it both one of the riskiest and one of the most rewarding ways to make a dollar every hour. 

        In the end, making an extra ten thousand dollars every year is never going to be as easy as snapping your fingers, but whether you choose to build a passive income stream online, or decide to sell products in some sort of marketplace, it is certainly a task worth doing.


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